Embedded WiSeNts

Embedded WiSeNts - Project FP6-004400

Embedded WiSeNts Research Roadmap (Deliverable 3.3)


Task leader: USTUTT
Participants: Embedded WiSeNts Consortium

Published by: Logos Verlag Berlin 2006
                          ISBN: 3-8325-1424-4


According to a market study performed by ON World Inc. on Wireless Sensor Networks called "Wireless Sensor Networks - Growing Markets, Accelerating Demands" from July 2005, 127 million wireless sensor network nodes are expected to be deployed in 2010 and the growth of this market later on is expected to increase in certain application domains.

Wireless Sensor Networks are a canonical example of a wider field dealing with Cooperating Objects that attempts to create the necessary technologies to make Weiser's vision of the disappearing computer a reality. Cooperating Objects are, in the most general case, small computing devices equipped with wireless communication capabilities that are able to cooperate and organise themselves autonomously into networks to achieve a common task.

The book you have in your hands contains information about the research roadmap envisioned for Cooperating Objects by the Embedded WiSeNts consortium and its associated industrial and academic partners. The goal of the Embedded WiSeNts project was to create a series of studies on the state of the art of Cooperating Objects and to devise a research roadmap that could be used for the definition of future research programs within the European Commission. This book is the final result of these two years of work.

Voices from the industry

"Although wireless sensor networks constitute a hot research area, there is still a long way to go if these efforts are to leave the labs and transform themselves from high-tech toys to innovative real world problem solvers. This inspiring book provides an insight into the research challenges, gaps and trends associated with cooperating objects and wireless sensor networks. A must read for the sensor network researcher!"

        Stamatis Karnouskos - Senior Researcher, SAP Research

"This book makes clear, that - in the long run - ubiquitous computing using embedded wireless sensor networks may cause great social and economic changes. An appraisal of research and development activities and their outcome is the basis for these changes, but they also point to the next challenge: the transfer of sophisticated research to mature products and services. This book is a great summary of the state of the art, describing the overall vision as well as the opportunities of practical use."

        Jens Wukasch - Research and Development Expert, T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH

"The book very nicely summarizes the current state-of-the-art in sensor/cooperating object research and gives interesting directions for future research opportunities."

        Matthias Neugebauer - Program Manager Mobile Applications, European Microsoft Innovation Center

Deliverable 3.3: Embedded WiSeNts Research Roadmap

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License.


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