Visions for Innovative Applications
Social Workshop Report
Research Roadmap
Presentations Events Press  
Visons for Innovative Applications
Workshop Report on Social Aspects of Cooperating Objects Technologies
Embedded WiSeNts Research Roadmap
Platform Survey: Critical evaluation of platforms commonly used in embedded wisents research
Studies for Research Roadmap Preparation
- December 2006, Wireless Mesh Networks - Tutorial given by Prasant Mohapatra as part of the Distinguished Visiting Program of WiSeNts, University of Padua
- December 2006, Quail Ridge Wireless Mesh (QuRiNet) and Related Research - Talk given by Prasant Mohapatra as part of the Distinguished Visiting Program of WiSeNts, University of Padua
- November 2006, presentation of the Research Roadmap at the IST 2006, Networking Session: Sensor networks - Quo Vadis? Paving the Road to Real Business Applications"
Pedro Marron: Trends and Gaps in WSN research - Roadmapping
- November 2006, publication of the Research Roadmap, flier on Embedded WiSeNts activities for the IST 2006 event, WiSeNts Research Roadmap is available for download
- September 29th, 2006, WSN Industrial Think Tank Workshop, presentation of the Embedded WiSeNts Research Roadmap
- September 2006, announcement of the Research Roadmap, flier on Embedded WiSeNts activities, in particular the WiSeNts Research Roadmap
- September 2006, announcement of the Social Workshop, flier on the Embedded WiSeNts Workshop on Social Aspects of Cooperating Objects Technologies
- June, 2006 "Sensor networks: from theory to practice" - paper for an Italian magazine (Notiziario Tecnico TelecomItalia), published by Telecom Italia (DEI)
- May 22nd, 2006 WiSeNts presentation the NEWCOM/HYCON workshop, Florence
- May 2006, project information, flier on Embedded WiSeNts activities, in particular WP3
- May 2006, Sentient Future Competition - winners and highly commended entries; (online version; print version)
- May 2006, Controlled Mobility in Sensor Networks Talk given by Tom La Porta as part of the Distinguished Visiting Program of WiSeNts
- April 2006, Seminar on Underwater Communications, given by Milica Stojanovic (MIT) as part of the Scholar Visiting Program of WiSeNts (300MB)
- March 2006, "Plotting the road ahead for wireless sensor networks", Contribution at IST results
- March 2006, Paper in "Le Monde" related to communicating objects and ambient computing (Technology)
- October 31st, 2005, Poster "Swiss Summit On Information and Communication Technologies", http://www.swiss-ngn2005.org/ , in Fribourg (Switzerland)
- May 28th, 2005, Public project presentation of Embedded WiSeNts at the Department of Computer Science of ETH Zurich, (about 10 participants involved).
- February 15th, 2006, Sentient Future Competition - Awarding Ceremony
- February 13-15, 2006, EWSN 2006, Zurich
- January 17th, 2006, Sentient Future Competition - Result Announcement
- October 1st, 2005, Sentient Future Competition - Call
- Aug 29-Sep 3, 2005, Summer School on WSN and Smart Objects, Schloß Dagstuhl
- July 4-8, 2005, IFAC, Prague
- June 23/24, 2005, Cooperating Objects Workshop, Brussels
- June 22, 2005, 14th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Dresden
- Jan 31-Feb 2, 2005, EWSN 2005, Istanbul
- November 15th, 2004, IST 2004 Networking Session, The Hague