OS-NiSC - Using optical strobing for vision-based non-invasive vibrations sensing and communications in an integrated fashion


  • TU Berlin

Team @ TKN


  • Technische Universität Berlin

Project Time

  • 01/2021 - 06/2021


Vibration sensing has been used for many years to detect potential faults and defects for safety purposes in not just machines, but also in large buildings and structures, such as bridges. Vibration monitoring in safety-critical areas is not only required for the detection of anomalous behavior, which can result in potential breakdowns but also for the continuous optimization of operating parameters (e.g., machinery in an industrial automation environment) to maximize production capacity. Vision-based techniques for advanced monitoring of industrial systems is gaining more attention recently. A good example is the use of cheap low frame rate cameras in combination with strobing light to non-intrusively measure high-frequency vibrations. At the same time, there is an uprise of visible light communication, particularly for indoor usage. Here, we aim to bridge this gap between these two concepts and investigate a vision-based non-invasive sensing and communication system utilizing strobing light. In this preparatory research proposal, we are further exploring the research domains in the proposed integrated system. The six month duration of this project will be utilized for initial experimentations and writing a comprehensive proposal to obtain a DFG grant for in-depth study and investigation towards the aimed research study on the integrated system for joint sensing and communications.

Selected Publications

  1. Muhammad Sohaib Amjad and Falko Dressler, "Using Visible Light for Joint Communications and Vibration Sensing in Industrial IoT Applications," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2021), Virtual Conference, June 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
Last modified: 2023-10-07