Modern Wireless Networks [MWN]

0432 L 310, Summer 2021


The goal of this lecture is twofold. Firstly, to provide an overview of the modern mobile communications systems. The overview will mainly scope on the mobile data transmission systems (especially WLAN), but also classical cellular networks, e.g., GSM, GPRS, UMTS and LTE/LTE-A, will be revised. Secondly, the aspect of integration of these systemes will be discussed, with many practical details on how the different technologies and solutions can be brought togeher in order to improve the overall service efficiency. A special attention will be put on problems with adjusting the individual mechanisms/solutions to work in a cooperative framework.

Learning Outcome

The learning objective is to unserstand the fundamental concepts of wireless networks. Students understand these concepts and are able to apply this knowledge.

General Information / Methods

This master course will be held in English and all the course material is available in English.

This course consists of lectures and labs. The lecture gives an overview and background information on the topics of in-car and car-to-x communication as well as the performance evaluation of such systems. During the labs, this knowledge will be applied in hands-on simulative performance studies. All simulation code will be written in C++ and executed on Linux systems.

For more information, slides, and required submissions, please see our ISIS page.



  • Lecture
    Thursday, 14-16h (c.t.), online
  • Labs
    see ISIS page


Oral examination (by appointment)

Successful completion of labs and homework required.


  • Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications, ed. 2, Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 2003. [BibTeX, More details]
  • Bernhard H. Walke, Mobile Radio Networks: Networking, Protocols and Traffic Performance, John Wiley & Sons (Wiley), 2001. [BibTeX, More details]
Last modified: 2023-10-07