Personal website of

Youming Tao


Journals and Magazines

  1. Youming Tao, Shuzhen Chen, Congwei Zhang, Di Wang, Dongxiao Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng and Falko Dressler, "Private Over-the-Air Federated Learning at Band-Limited Edge," IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, June 2024. (online first) [DOI, BibTeX, PDF, More details]
  2. Youming Tao, Sijia Cui, Wenlu Xu, Haofei Yin, Dongxiao Yu, Weifa Liang and Xiuzhen Cheng, "Byzantine-Resilient Federated Learning at Edge," IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol. 72 (9), pp. 2600–2614, September 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  3. Youming Tao, Shuzhen Chen, Feng Li, Dongxiao Yu, Jiguo Yu and Hao Sheng, "A Distributed Privacy-Preserving Learning Dynamics in General Social Networks," IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, vol. 35 (9), pp. 9547–9561, September 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  4. Dongxiao Yu, Zongrui Zou, Shuzhen Chen, Youming Tao, Bing Tian, Weifeng Lv and Xiuzhen Cheng, "Decentralized Parallel SGD With Privacy Preservation in Vehicular Networks," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 70 (6), pp. 5211–5220, June 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  5. Shuzhen Chen, Youming Tao, Dongxiao Yu, Feng Li, Bei Gong and Xiuzhen Cheng, "Privacy-Preserving Collaborative Learning for Multiarmed Bandits in IoT," IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8 (5), pp. 3276–3286, March 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  6. Shuzhen Chen, Youming Tao, Dongxiao Yu, Feng Li and Bei Gong, "Distributed learning dynamics of Multi-Armed Bandits for edge intelligence," Journal of Systems Architecture, vol. 114, pp. 101919, March 2021. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]

Conferences and Workshops

  1. Youming Tao, Cheng-Long Wang, Miao Pan, Dongxiao Yu, Xiuzhen Cheng and Di Wang, "Communication Efficient and Provable Federated Unlearning," Proceedings of 50th International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB 2024), vol. 17(5), Guangzhou, China, August 2024. (to appear) [BibTeX, More details]
  2. Youming Tao, Xiuzhen Cheng, Falko Dressler, Zhipeng Cai and Dongxiao Yu, "Robust Matroid Bandit Optimization against Adversarial Contamination," Proceedings of 30th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2024), Shanghai, China, August 2024. (to appear) [BibTeX, PDF, More details]
  3. Ziqi Zhou, Youming Tao, Agon Memedi, Chunghan Lee, Seyhan Ucar, Onur Altintas and Falko Dressler, "Optimizing Task Migration Decisions in Vehicular Edge Computing Environments," Proceedings of 1st IEEE International Conference on Meta Computing (ICMC 2024), Qingdao, China, June 2024. [BibTeX, PDF, More details]
  4. Dongxiao Yu, Kaiyi Zhang, Youming Tao, Wenlu Xu, Yifei Zou and Xiuzhen Cheng, "Correlation-Aware and Personalized Privacy-Preserving Data Collection," Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC 2024), Kailua, HI, February 2024. [BibTeX, More details]
  5. Yulian Wu, Xingyu Zhou, Youming Tao and Di Wang, "On Private and Robust Bandits," Proceedings of 37th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, LA, December 2023. [BibTeX, More details]
  6. Shuzhen Chen, Yuan Yuan, Youming Tao, Zhipeng Cai and Dongxiao Yu, "Resource-Adaptive Newton's Method for Distributed Learning," Proceedings of 29th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2023), Honolulu, HI, December 2023. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  7. Youming Tao, Yulian Wu, Xiuzhen Cheng and Di Wang, "Private Stochastic Convex Optimization and Sparse Learning with Heavy-tailed Data Revisited," Proceedings of 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI 2022), Messe Wien, Vienna, Austria, July 2022. [BibTeX, More details]
  8. Youming Tao, Yulian Wu, Peng Zhao and Di Wang, "Optimal Rates of (Locally) Differentially Private Heavy-tailed Multi-Armed Bandits," Proceedings of 25th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS 2022), vol. 151, Valencia, Spain, March 2022. [BibTeX, More details]

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Last modified: 2024-07-03