Network Simulation [NwSim]

3433 L 0278, Summer 2021


This course offers the chance to get in touch with the network simulation framework OMNeT++. Simulation is one possibility (others are experiments or mathematical analysis) to evaluate the performance of systems which might even not be available in reality.

After getting a basic introduction to simulation and modeling, we will study a small example project already using OMNeT++. Finally, we will work in small groups of 2-3 people on interesting research-focused projects of the areas vehicular communication and wireless sensor networks.

    • Network Simulation
    • OMNeT++
    • Model Management with git
    • Verification and Validation
    • Design of Experiments
    • Result Evaluation with R

Learning Outcome

The learning objective is to unserstand the fundamental concepts of network simulation. Students understand these concepts and are able to apply this knowledge.

General Information / Methods

This master course will be held in English and all the course material is available in English.

This course consists of lectures and labs. The lecture gives an overview and background information on the topics of in-car and car-to-x communication as well as the performance evaluation of such systems. During the labs, this knowledge will be applied in hands-on simulative performance studies. All simulation code will be written in C++ and executed on Linux systems.

For more information, slides, and required submissions, please see our ISIS page.



  • Lecture
    Monday, 12-14h (c.t.), online
  • Labs
    see ISIS page


Oral examination (by appointment)

Successful completion of labs and homework required.


  • Averill M. Law, Simulation, Modeling and Analysis, ed. 4, Singapore, Singapore, McGraw-Hill, 2007. [BibTeX, More details]
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  • Joseph Adler, R in a Nutshell, ed. 2, O'Reilly, 2012. [BibTeX, More details]
  • Jack P. C. Kleijnen, Susan M. Sanchez, Thomas W. Lucas and Thomas M. Cioppa, "State-of-the-Art Review: A User's Guide to the Brave New World of Designing Simulation Experiments," INFORMS J. on Computing, vol. 17 (3), pp. 263–289, 2005. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  • Andreas Köpke, Michael Swigulski, Karl Wessel, Daniel Willkomm, P.T. Klein Haneveld, Tom Parker, Otto Visser, Hermann Simon Lichte and Stefan Valentin, "Simulating Wireless and Mobile Networks in OMNeT++ – The MiXiM Vision," Proceedings of 1st ACM/ICST International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTools 2008), 1st ACM/ICST International Workshop on OMNeT++ (OMNeT++ 2008), Marseille, France, March 2008. [BibTeX, More details]
  • Susan M. Sanchez, "Work smarter, not harder: guidelines for designing simulation experiments," Proceedings of 39th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2007), Piscataway, NJ, December 2007, pp. 84–94. [BibTeX, More details]
  • Robert G. Sargent, "Verification and validation of simulation models," Proceedings of 39th Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 2007), Piscataway, NJ, December 2007, pp. 124–137. [DOI, BibTeX, More details]
  • András Varga, "The OMNeT++ Discrete Event Simulation System," Proceedings of European Simulation Multiconference (ESM 2001), Prague, Czechia, June 2001. [BibTeX, More details]
  • Andras Varga and Rudolf Hornig, "An Overview of the OMNeT++ Simulation Environment," Proceedings of 1st ACM/ICST International Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques for Communications, Networks and Systems (SIMUTools 2008), Marseille, France, March 2008. [BibTeX, More details]

  • Statistical analysis with R
  • Using R for introductory statistics
  • R cookbook
  • R graphs cookbook
Last modified: 2023-10-07