Innovation Center
uman-Centric Communication

Vision   |   Overview   |   Research Areas   |   Exploratory Projects


We follow a vision of Human-Centric Communication offering flexible and intuitive support in accessing situation dependent information as well as in exchanging information with others. In particular we will focus on

  • Improving the usability of the system - both on the level of services and innovative support for human- system interactions combined with automatic recognition of the users situation:
  • Extraction of content from different media, and selecting the proper content according to explicit requests or implicitly derived needs of individual users and user communities, with respect to actual context
  • Flexible content delivery to the desired community of users-independent of their location, and presentation on devices available to each individual within this community with proper quality, security and privacy.

The excellence of research, will be complemented by excellent education and career shaping of young scientists. The Integrated Graduate Program H-C3 leading from BSc to PhD (with MSc on the way) is inherent part of our concept. While attracting best candidates for all levels of involvement in the center, we will care about decreasing the disparity in female representation in the communication research.
Addressing this - naturally global - type of goals in cooperation with leading international researchers, we will keep caring about impact on national and local environment. We have a strong commitment to transferring technology to the industry, including established industry as well as start-ups and "spin-off" companies. Last but not least, we are devoted to making the chances and possibilities of modern communication better understandable to the general public, for which the environment of the Berlin Metropolis creates a perfect environment.

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