Integrated Graduate Program
Human-Centric Communication

Michael Krüger
Dipl.-Ing. Electrical Engineering (TU)

Phone: +49 (0) 30 464 03-706

Academic Studies
01/2009 - Postgraduate Student in the IGP H-C3 at Technische Universität Berlin
10/2003 - 12/2008 Studies on Electrical Engineering at Technischen Universität Berlin
Degree: Diplom
Main focus on Microsystem-Technologies, Digital Mobile Communications and Medical Electronics
Diploma Thesis: Untersuchung elektrischer Verbindungen im Gigahertz-Bereich zur Zustandsüberwachung von Mikrosystemen
Professional Experience
10/2007 - 12/2008 Student Assistant at BeCAP/TU Berlin, Department Environmental Engineering
10/2005 - 09/2007 Tutor at TU-Berlin; Department Halbleiterbauelemente
Awards CPMT Student Travel Award (2009)
Research Interests Reliability and Condition Indication of Electronic Systems
Measurement of Micrometer Scale Cracks in Electronic Interconnections
Work Group Berlin Center of Advanced Packaging
Advisors Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Herbert Reichl
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Christian Boit
Publications "Measurement and Analysis of the Impact of Micrometer Scale Cracks on the RF Performance and Reliability of Transmission Lines" Krüger, M.; Middendorf, A.; Ndip, I.; Nissen, N. F.; Reichl, H. ECTC2009 (


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