Integrated Graduate Program
Human-Centric Communication

Tony Modica, Dipl.-Inf. Theoretical Computer Science
Tel.: ++49 30 314 24189
Fakultät IV - Elektrotechnik und Informatik
Sekr. FR 6-1
Franklinstr. 28/29
10587 Berlin
Academic Studies
10/2007 - Postgraduate Student in the IGP H-C3 at Technische Universität Berlin
10/2001 - 01/2006 Studies on computer science at the Technical University Berlin
graduated as Dipl.-Inf (with distinction)
major subject: theoretical computer science
Professional Experience
04/2006 - 09/2007 research assistant, research project forMAlNET
02/2006 - 04/2006 research assistant for Prof. Ehrig (substitute)
04/2005 - 02/2006 student assistant, research project IOSIP
11/2002 - 03/2005 student assistant, tutor for theoretical computer science/mathematics for computer scientists at the Technical University Berlin
Research group Theoretical computer science/formal specification
Advisors Prof. Dr. Hartmut Ehrig
Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker
Research interests Graph and model transformation, algebraic high-level Petri nets, visual languages, category theory
Preliminary title Formal modeling and analysis of communication spaces
Veröffentlichungen E. Biermann, C. Ermel, T. Modica, and P. Sylopp. Implementing Petri Net Transformations using Graph Transformation Tools. In P. Baldan and B. König, editors, Proc. Third International Workshop on Petri Nets and Graph Transformations. EC-EASST, 2008. To appear. Reference
E. Biermann and T. Modica. Independence Analysis of Firing and Rule-based Net Transformations in Reconfigurable Object Nets. In J. de Lara C. Ermel and R. Heckel, editors, Proc. Workshop on Graph Transformation and Visual Modeling Techniques (GT-VMT'08), volume 10. EC-EASST, 2008. Reference
H. Ehrig, K. Hoffmann, J. Padberg, C. Ermel, U. Prange, E. Biermann, and T. Modica. Petri Net Transformations. In Petri Net Theory and Applications, pages 1-16. I-Tech Education and Publication, 2008.


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