Integrated Graduate Program
Human-Centric Communication

Nicolas Neubauer, M.Sc. Cognitive Science
Tel.: +49 30 314-25542
Franklinstr. 28/29
FR 2526 (FR 2-1)
10587 Berlin
Academic Studies
11/2007 - Postgraduate Student in the IGP H-C3 at Technische Universität Berlin
2005 M.Sc. Cognitive Science (with distinction), Universität Osnabrück
2002 B.Sc. Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück
2006 / 2007DFG-Projekt "Learning Agents for Text Classification", TU Berlin
Work Group Neural Information Processing
Advisors Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Klaus Obermayer
Publications "N. Neubauer and K. Obermayer (2008); Predicting Tag Spam Examining Cooccurrences, Network Structures and URL Components. ECML/PKDD 2008 Discovery Challenge Workshop; PDF
B. Ochab, N. Neubauer and K. Obermayer (2008); Personalized Recommendations for the Web 3D. In: J. Kay, P. Pu, W. Nejdl and E. Herder (eds.): Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems - Fifth International Conference, AH 2008.
N. Neubauer, C. Scheel, S. Albayrak, K. Obermayer (2007); Distance Measures in Query Space: How Strongly to Use Feedback from Past Queries. Proceedings of the IEEE/WIC/ACM Web Intelligence 2007
C. Scheel, N. Neubauer, A. Lommatzsch, K. Obermayer, S. Albayrak (2007) Efficient Query Delegation by Detecting Redundant Retrieval Strategies. SIGIR 2007 Workshop: Learning to Rank for Information Retrieval. PDF


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