Innovation Center
uman-Centric Communication

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Trust Models for Communication Spaces (exploratory project)

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Trust and trustworthiness are central notions in Human-Centric Communication: users accept a service in their everyday life - and may be willing to pay for it - only if they perceive that they can trust the service providers and the involved technologies. On the one hand, trust itself is the transdisciplinary result of technical, sociological and legal aspects. As such, trust is a rather informal concept to start with. On the other hand, the establishment of trust relationships necessitates omnipresent certification; trust relationships must be established, verified, monitored, maintained and, if necessary, certifiably adapted during any further evolution. To this end, trust inevitably requires formalization, best in the form of comprehensive formal models.
There are first approaches to trust formalization, which allow to reason about trust and trust policies. These approaches have however deficiencies when it comes to contexts of communication, roles in communication and groups of communicators, which are central notions in communication spaces. Hence, trust models have to be extended accordingly.
The H-C3 exploratory project on Trust Models investigates definitions of comprehensive and comprehensible models of trust for complex communication spaces as a basis for the development of techniques for the validation (by means of testing) and verification (by means of proof) of such models.

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